Guess My RGB is a color guessing game where you try to match the background color using RGB sliders.
RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue, which are the primary colors of light. By adjusting the amount of each, you can create millions of different colors!
HEX codes represent colors as a combination of Red, Green, and Blue values in hexadecimal format. A HEX code starts with a #
followed by six digits, with two digits each for Red, Green, and Blue. The values range from 00
(no color) to FF
(maximum color).
- Use the Red, Green, and Blue sliders to mix your color.
- Each slider has 16 positions (00-FF in hexadecimal, in steps of 17).
- Click [Guess] to see how close you are to the target color.
- The percentage shows how close your guess is.
- Toggle [Easy Mode] to see your current color mix in real-time.
- Use [Reveal Color] if you're stuck and want to see the target hex code.
- Keep guessing until you match the background color perfectly!
Project on GitHub